National Assembly Passes Bill to Amend Usury Laws

Published 2023 Jul 27 Thursday
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Kathmandu: In a recent development, the National Assembly (NA) of Nepal convened for its second meeting and successfully passed the Bill to Amend Some Nepal Acts Related to Civil Code, 2080. The primary objective behind this bill is to address the issue of usury and take strict action against those involved in exploiting victims through this illegal practice.

During the session, the NA approved the bill, incorporating the amendments related to usury sent by the House of Representatives (HoR) along with their messages of support. Minister for Law, Justice, and Parliamentary Affairs, Dhanraj Gurung, presented a proposal for the bill's passage, and after no discussions were raised by the lawmakers, the bill was put to a decision.

With the NA's approval, the bill will now proceed for the authentication process. It is noteworthy that the HoR had previously passed the bill with amendments on July 16.

The next meeting of the National Assembly is scheduled for August 3, commencing at 1:01 pm.

This amendment to the Nepal Acts Related to Civil Code represents a significant step towards curbing usurious practices and providing relief to the victims impacted by such exploitative activities.
